Hello our Friend, 

As Happiness Point friendly team, we are delighted to engage with you.

Our motto is “Making life easier for people by providing high-quality products”.

Every product is presented with love specially for you.

In respect to your valuable time and effort, we present to you various products that really simplify and decrease stress in your life.

Let's create harmony and comfort in our lives together!

With love,
Happiness Point Team & Founder Alexandra Latushka

  • Alexandra
    Latushka, Founder

    While residing in Paris for a year, I was happy to witness the charm and elegance of French lifestyle. It inspired me to bring this magic to American ladies. Working in private businesses for 20 years, I am committed to keep high standards of quality and delivery of our products. Every morning I wake up with the desire to brighten YOUR day!

  • Katerina
    Latushka, CTO

    I enjoy bringing technology in our lives and creating aesthetics on our website. I believe the convenience of finding desirable product helps you to choose the right one. As Mr D. Norman says: "Aesthetic pleasure is integral to the usability of a product".

    Contact Us 
  • Lyudmila
    Pristavka, СМО

    I draw inspiration from Italian and French fashion designers when selecting the perfect collections for our customers. I believe you will derive the same level of enjoyment from the products as I do.

  • Nastasia
    Shtaub,PR Manager

    I love taking pictures and making videos, because this is the only way to capture and see beauty - to see and preserve forever. I am sure that every person is beautiful, you just need to take a picture from the right angle.

  • Jaroslav
    Pristavka, CFO

    In business, everything should be clear and disciplined, everyone has to do their job and is ready to help others. That's why we are a friendly and successful team!

  • Sabina
    Yefimava, QA Manager

    Modern industry is constantly evolving with new trends and fashion. Our customers are trendsetters who desire beautiful and fashionable pieces asap. We work hard to be highly efficient in everything we do in order to meet and exceed our customers' expectations.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Feel free to contact us with any question!